Dos and Don’ts of Surviving Social Media During Your Wedding Year

Discover helpful tips for using social media as a wedding planning resource without letting it make you crazy.

Social media is changing the way we plan (and attend) weddings. It’s easy to become a full-blown wedding stalker, watch every video, flip through every photo, and follow every wedding TikToker out there. Sure, it may seem perfectly reasonable to want to dive headfirst into all things wedding — you are planning a wedding, after all!

The truth is, you’ve got to strike a delicate balance between benefiting from social media and barely surviving it during your wedding year. By following these dos and don’ts, you can confidently navigate social media— without letting it make you crazy.

Images (clockwise starting at top left) via Bliss Events by Bonnie Chase (Instagram), Floweriize (Instagram), Freddy Weddings (Instagram), Anya Kernes (Instagram)

DO use social media for inspiration

Social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram are highly visual, making them a no-brainer when it comes to gathering inspiration for your wedding day. Give yourself some time to browse through different content without committing to any single theme or vision. Once you have a good idea of the options available, you can settle on a more formal guide to keep you on track as you continue planning your wedding.

DON’T compare your wedding to others

It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing your future wedding to those you see on social media, but it’s so important to stay true to who you are as a couple — including your vibe, your budget, and your overall wedding vision. Every wedding is unique, and you don’t want to look back on your big day and realize it was a copy-paste version of something you found on social media.

DO outline your wedding vision

This may seem unnecessary, but believe me, outlining your wedding vision will come in especially handy during times when you really want to change everything about your wedding that you’ve planned so far. Curate a Pinterest board with choices you love and are actually planning to implement, and set it to “secret” so it’s for your eyes only. Having a clear guide to refer back to can help you in conversations with your vendors and help you stay on track as you scroll. Most importantly, your wedding vision will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed by new ideas or random posts you come across on your “For You” page.

DON’T make last-minute changes based on social media trends

If there’s one thing GiveIt readers know, it’s that trends fade and wedding memories last forever. It can be so tempting to throw your vision out the window when you see a couple incorporate a trendy element into their wedding, but I want you to remember two things: the first is that social media tends to make things look better than they really were, and the second is that you have a wedding vision. So stick to it!

Image via Knapp Design Co (Instagram)

DO gather ideas for invitations and paper goods

Your wedding theme and vibe come through in all the details, including paper goods like your invitations, menus, place cards, and ceremony schedules. Once again, Pinterest and Instagram are amazing resources for finding inspiration for your wedding’s “brand” and ensuring these elements fit seamlessly into your overall vision.

DON’T let social media pressure affect your budget

We’ve all fallen in love with a wedding we’ve seen on social media and just known that the couple worked with an insane budget — they may have even had some elements of their weddings sponsored by big brands. As hard as it may be, stay focused on what’s important to you and your partner, and stick to your budget to avoid unnecessary stress.

DO connect with friends and family

If your guest list is anything like mine, you’ve got friends and family scattered all over the country. Social media is a great way to stay connected, share fun details, and keep guests updated about your wedding. I recommend creating a private group or event page to keep everyone informed without broadcasting to your entire follower list.

DON’T overshare wedding details

Wedding planning tunnel vision is a real thing, and I’ve been guilty of making everything before my wedding about, well — my wedding. Believe me when I say that there is almost no one who wants to know every single detail about your wedding as it’s planned (outside of your mom and your wedding planner, at least), so it’s good to err on the side of fewer wedding-related updates on social media.

Image via Anthera Floral (Instagram)

DO follow your vendors

This is something I didn’t do, but really wished that I had. You can stay updated with their latest offerings and options by following your caterer, decor rental company, florist, and other vendors on social media. These people know your vision and budget, so they can better determine whether your latest idea is a seamless addition or completely changes everything.

DON’T rely solely on social media for vendor research

Before deciding on your wedding vendors, be sure to look beyond social media to get a good idea of what they’re like to work with. Conduct thorough research by checking reviews and recommendations, communicating directly with vendors you’re considering, and confirming any details and contracts in writing.

DO take breaks from social media

When you’re planning your wedding, it feels like there’s nothing else going on in the world. You’re in wedding mode, and everyone is just living through it. But that’s not really true, and you owe it to yourself, your partner, and your friends and family to have a healthy relationship with social media during your wedding year. Set aside specific times to browse to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

DON’T neglect real-life interactions

It’s important to prioritize spending quality time with people in person and use social media as a tool rather than a replacement for all your real-world commitments. Remember to balance your online time with offline activities that bring you joy and relaxation so you can be fully present when it’s time to make wedding day decisions.

By Brittney Winters-Gullo

Brittney spent the majority of her teenage and college years swearing she’d never get married. Then she met a man who changed all of that, and they’ve been happily sharing their lives since 2011. She and her husband Grant got married in 2018, which has given her a whole new perspective on this whole wedding business. If she’s not writing, you can find her shopping online (very guilty), baking cookies, or running in the Florida sunshine.

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