It’s all hands on deck; time to batten down the hatches! Sailors and landlubbers alike gather ’round and make sure the new mommy has smooth sailing ahead with a nautical themed baby shower. We’ve sailed the high seas (ahem… internet) to compile everything you need for a maritime party that is shipshape and Bristol fashion.

Nautical Baby Shower Invitations
There are endless options for shower invitations, from adorable anchors and whimsical whales to sophisticated stripes.

Nautical Baby Shower Food
When it comes to planning the menu, we found some inexpensive yet fun ways to feed your crew.

Nautical Baby Shower Décor
When planning your decor, just remember that you can’t go wrong with a color scheme of red, white and blue (or pink, white and blue). From an anchor made out of balloons to using lifesaver candies to tie your napkins, the possibilities are endless! Consider hanging items on the wall behind the food table so that there will be a nice backdrop for taking photos.

Party Activities

We love the idea of having keepsake for the mom-to-be such as this lifesaver float that guests can sign and can later be hung in the baby’s nursery.

All new mothers love tips from tried and true moms who have lots of wisdom to share. Set up a table with paper and pens and have guests write tips and drop them in a bottle for the guest of honor to take home.

This sweet mama-to-be planned a fun “guess the baby’s name” activity for the guests. She revealed clues one at a time until someone was able to correctly guess the baby’s name.
Sweet Desserts
Arr! It’s cake time! Your first mate will be impressed with any of these fabulous choices.

Nautical Baby Shower Favors

More Nautical Inspiration
Check out our Pinterest board for more nautical inspiration. Prepare to anchor down for a great time and enjoy your “Sail-abration”!
A Millennial’s First Baby Shower: Planning Tips & Tricks
[…] the mom’s favorite vacation spot or princesses, to a “King of the Jungle” party, or even a nautical theme. One easy way to choose is to look to the calendar for seasonal inspiration (like our ideas […]