– Destination Weddings – Who Pays for What?
July 10, 2015
Why Choose a Destination Wedding? Destination weddings have become increasingly popular and what’s not to love about combining a fun, memorable wedding with a fabulous honeymoon? According to Emily Post’s Wedding Etiquette, up to 24% of weddings are now destination weddings! We’ve discovered several reasons that couples are choosing a destination wedding over a local […]
– The Huffington Post – How Much Should You Spend on a Wedding Gift?
June 4, 2015
View Article @ The Huffington Post Street
– AskCheryl – How Do I Let Guests Know about My Wedding Registry?
May 11, 2015
This is an often asked, but short and simple question from a reader. Dear Cheryl, How do you let guests know about your registry? – Zena Dear Zena, You ask a very good question which is probably on the minds of many brides and grooms today. But it has a very simple […]
– AskCheryl – If Someone Attended My Bridal Shower, Must She Be Invited to the Wedding?
April 28, 2015
Dear Readers, Every week I receive variations of this same bridal shower question. Usually it’s in the form of, “Can I invite someone to the bridal shower that will not be invited to the wedding?” Here are two interesting variations on that question. Dear Cheryl, My wedding is in a few months and I’m getting […]
– Ask Cheryl Question – Help! My Daughter Is Stressed Out About Her Wedding Registry
January 29, 2015
Question from a reader … Dear Cheryl, My daughter is trying to register for her wedding. She started a new job so does not have time to shop. Also, she knows it will be awhile before they can buy furniture because her fiancé is still in school. She is stressing so badly that she is […]
The Wedding Ceremony Guide – Feel Comfortable At Any Wedding
June 27, 2014
Attending a religious or cultural wedding ceremony unfamiliar to you can be intimidating. Everyone wonders, “How do I behave and should I participate?” In this wedding ceremony guide, we have outlined the essentials of three common religious and cultural ceremonies – Catholic, Jewish and Indian weddings – so you can feel comfortable taking part in […]
– Etiquette Question – Who Should Be Invited to a Bridal Shower?
March 13, 2014
Recently I received an invitation to a bridal shower. While I love to attend bridal showers, I don’t know the bride very well and the shower was being held four states away. Although I’m sure the shower planner had the best of intentions, the invitation left me a bit perplexed. Let me explain why… The […]
– Wedding Etiquette – How Much To Spend on A Gift for A Destination Wedding
January 13, 2014
Destination weddings continue to be very popular. Many factors influence a couples’ decision to have their ceremony away from home. Among the reasons is the desire to prolong the celebration and spend more time with an intimate group of family and friends. Additionally, this alternative to a traditional ceremony can save the couple (or their […]
– Wedding Etiquette – Inviting Kids to the Wedding
December 13, 2013
The subject of children at a wedding is always very delicate. As many of us do, you probably have a select group of friends who have kids, and are of the mindset that children can and should be taken everywhere. You enjoy these friends’ company and wholeheartedly wish to share your special day with them, […]
Thank You For Saying Thank You
May 22, 2013
From the time our kids are just beginning to talk, we work with them on saying two very important words, “Thank you.” Gratitude…appreciation…thankfulness…that’s what we want them to feel when an act of kindness has been done for them. We teach them to pay attention when people go out of their way to do nice […]
Why Gift Registries and Online Shopping Have Become So Popular
April 30, 2013
Creating gift registries for all occasions has become increasingly popular. Some say that we have become a more greedy society, that we are trying to dictate our gifts, and that gift registries are just bad manners; but I don’t agree. I propose that gift registries have grown in popularity because everything in our world has […]
Wedding Gift Etiquette-Top FAQ’s
November 10, 2012
The most commonly asked question is… If I’m invited to a wedding and can’t attend, should I still send a gift? The answer is yes. If at all possible, you should absolutely send a gift. If I’m invited to the shower, do I need to get a shower gift and a wedding gift? This is […]
Wedding Gift Etiquette For the Gift Giver
October 22, 2012
Yes, you do need to send a gift if you are invited to a wedding — even if you don’t plan to attend. What should you buy? Of-course this depends on how much you want to spend and how close you are to the couple. Obviously, you want to get them something they will enjoy […]