– Ask Cheryl – Should I Send a Wedding Gift to My Former Niece?

March 10, 2020

Wedding etiquette can get a little tricky when there is a divorce in the family. Being a “former” extended family member might mean you are excluded from the wedding guest list; but is it obligatory or even ok to send a gift? Dear Cheryl, I am divorced, but a niece from his side is getting […]

– Ask Cheryl – Is a First Baby Shower Mandatory?

February 11, 2020

You’re pregnant with your first baby! Congratulations! This is a special time for you and, hopefully, a time of joy and celebration. Your friends and family will also want to celebrate the upcoming arrival. But is a baby shower necessary? Maybe you feel like a baby shower is just another social obligation. Perhaps you would […]

– From Chicago Tribune – Is it rude that an older engaged couple has a wedding registry?

June 12, 2019

Cheryl Seidel, etiquette expert and founder of RegistryFinder.com, was featured on ChicagoTribune.com’s article Is it rude that an older engaged couple has a wedding registry? Click on the image below to read the full article at ChicagoTribune.com.

– Ask Cheryl – How to Handle a Giftless Guest

February 26, 2019

When a guest doesn’t bring a gift, are brides obligated to write a note thanking her attending? Cheryl gives two options for how to handle a gifteless guest. Dear Cheryl, My daughter is writing thank you cards for gifts received at her bridal shower. She informed me that she did not receive a gift from […]

– Ask Cheryl – Can I Give a Group Bridal Shower Gift?

December 11, 2018

Hi Cheryl, I’ve received an invitation to the bridal shower of my brother-in-law’s bride-to-be. This is his third marriage and her second. My three daughters are also invited, two of whom are in college. My youngest is a junior in high school. None of my daughters are working regularly. I planned to give a cashmere […]

– Ask Cheryl – How Do I Handle a Giftless Wedding Guest?

November 27, 2018

It’s all too common: a wedding guest shows up to the wedding, but never sends a gift. Is it ever appropriate to say something? Cheryl weighs in. Dear Cheryl, My cousin and his wife came to our son’s wedding but did not give a card or gift. Do I say something or just let it […]

Here’s How Much Time You Have After the Wedding to Send a Gift

May 23, 2018

Cheryl Seidel, etiquette expert and founder of RegistryFinder.com, was featured on CNBC.com’s article Here’s how much time you have after the wedding to send a gift. Click on the image below to read the full article at CNBC.com.

– Ask Cheryl – How Much to Spend on a Gift for an Acquaintance?

April 10, 2018

When you’re invited to celebrate the wedding of someone who isn’t a family member or close friend, choosing an appropriate wedding gift can be tricky. Read on for my advice. Dear Cheryl, I’ve been invited to the second wedding of someone I would consider to be an acquaintance, but not a personal friend. The bride-to-be […]

– Ask Cheryl – How Much Should I Spend on a Second Bridal Shower Gift?

January 8, 2018

When your mailbox is filled with invitations for weddings and showers, gift-giving can seem overwhelming. Today, we’ve got good news for your budget if you’ve been invited to multiple showers for the same bride! Dear Cheryl, I was invited to two showers for the same bride. What amount should I spend on a second bridal […]

– Ask Cheryl – Is it Okay to Give a Wedding Gift on Behalf of Someone Else?

December 26, 2017

We all want to be as generous and kind as possible, but does that mean it’s appropriate to give a wedding gift on someone else’s behalf? Dear Cheryl, How much should / would you recommend I give for my daughter’s second wedding? I am not helping pay for it. Also, would it be appropriate for […]

– Ask Cheryl – Appropriate Gifts for Wedding #2

November 15, 2017

This week’s question deals with gift-giving etiquette for second marriages—and in these situations, gift-givers have a few options! Dear Cheryl, My best friend’s son is getting married for the second time, but this is the bride’s first marriage. We are very close to these people, so what is appropriate for a gift? Thanks, -Rachel Hi […]

Ask Cheryl: Couple Requests Cash for their Honeymoon: To Give or Not to Give?

October 27, 2017

Today’s question comes from a reader who was asked to make a cash donation for a honeymoon in lieu of a wedding gift. She’s now not sure if she should attend the wedding or even send a gift.   Dear Cheryl,   My husband and I were planning to visit Italy this fall for a relative’s […]

– Ask Cheryl – Put an End to Gift Shaming

December 13, 2016

The holidays are upon us, and there’s a lot of focus on gift giving. I wanted to take a moment to talk about gifts and what to do if you don’t receive the gift you want or expected, or if you don’t receive a gift at all. Today’s Ask Cheryl question is from a reader […]

– Ask Cheryl – How Early Can I Send a Wedding Gift?

August 30, 2016

This email was received on June 23rd from an organized wedding guest that wants to know how early she can send her wedding gift so that she has the best selection from the registry. Dear Cheryl, I am attending a wedding on December 10th. How early can I send a wedding gift? I received a save […]

– AskCheryl – As Friend & Officiant, Do I Need to Give a Wedding Gift?

June 21, 2016

Should a friend that has offered to be the wedding officiant also give a wedding gift? Hi Cheryl! I was really pleased to find your article and information on Huffington Post. I have a question about an upcoming wedding I am going to be a part of as an officiant. (I apologize for the long […]

– Ask Cheryl – Since I’m Spending so Much Being in the Wedding am I Required to Give a Gift?

March 14, 2016

  Dear Cheryl, I live in California and I’m going to be in a wedding for a friend that’s getting married in Vermont. Since I’m spending close to $1000 on everything for the wedding, am I required to give a gift? I’m already spending so much that I don’t know how much I’d be able to […]

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