– Ask Cheryl – Our Daughter is the Flower Girl, Do We Still Give a Wedding Gift?

October 5, 2015

Hi Cheryl, My daughter was asked to be the flower girl in my cousin’s wedding. What is proper etiquette for gift giving? We have the expense of the dress, shoes and hair as well. We also have to drive out of town for the wedding and have the added expense of a night in the […]

– Ask Cheryl – To Send a Gift or Not to Send a Gift?

August 25, 2015

This reader questions if she should send a wedding gift to someone with whom she no longer has a relationship. Find out the answer below . . .  Hi Cheryl, I just finished reading your Huffington Post article “How Long Do I Have to Send a Wedding Gift?” Great advice! I have a situation that I’m really struggling […]

– AskCheryl – How Much Should I Spend on a Wedding Gift? NEW Q&As

August 11, 2015

In June, I published an article in the Huffington Post Weddings section titled, “How Much Should I Spend on a Wedding Gift.” It seems that many people wanted more specifics so I wanted to share two of the follow-up questions. They are different questions with similar answers. Dear Cheryl, My fiancé and I are invited […]

– The Huffington Post – How Much Should You Spend on a Wedding Gift?

June 4, 2015

View Article @ The Huffington Post Street

– AskCheryl – How Do I Let Guests Know about My Wedding Registry?

May 11, 2015

        This is an often asked, but short and simple question from a reader. Dear Cheryl, How do you let guests know about your registry? – Zena Dear Zena, You ask a very good question which is probably on the minds of many brides and grooms today. But it has a very simple […]

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