The Morning Of: 6 Ways Bridesmaids Can Help Create Calm, Not Chaos

Beautiful bride & bridesmaids posing near window, wedding preparation

Bridesmaid dress? Ordered! Bridal shower? Check. Bachelorette weekend? Done! After months of anticipation, a few pre-wedding festivities, and around a thousand messages in the group chat, you might get the sense that your bridesmaid duties are winding down. But the hours leading up to the ceremony are some of the most crucial moments for bridesmaids: this is when you can help create a peaceful, memorable morning for the bride! Read on for ways you can avoid triggering an emergency or adding stress and contribute to a calm, enjoyable day for everyone involved!

1. The Night Before: Drink Responsibly

The best way to ensure a calm morning: making good decisions the night before. Show up as your best self: well-rested and ready to go!

2. Arrive on Time

Speaking of showing up: make sure you do it on time! If you’re not sure where and when you’re supposed to arrive, double-check the group text and then reach out to the maid of honor!

3. Pack a bag

Arrive with everything you could need so that you aren’t asking others to scramble on your behalf. A good starting list: water bottle, easy-to-pack snacks like a granola bar or banana, Advil, tampons, deodorant, bandaids, safety pins, double-sided tape, etc. For more wedding day emergency kit items, check out this post!

4. Prep your Dress

In the weeks leading up to the wedding, try on your dress and take care of any alterations. You don’t want to be the bridesmaid whose dress can’t zip or whose hem is dragging on the floor! The day before the wedding, steam your dress so that all you have to do the morning of is slip it on!

5. No Complaints

If you don’t like your hair or makeup, think the photographer is annoying, can’t stand another bridesmaid–keep it to yourself! Your mood affects the overall mood of the room, so keep it light and festive. That means no eye-rolling or whispering!

6. Look for ways to help

A few ideas: text the maid of honor before you head over to see if you can do a coffee run, make sure the bride is eating, and volunteer to help with any last-minute tasks that arise.

The bottom line: Focus on the Bride

The bride chose you to be by her side on one of the most important days of her life, so do everything you can to make sure your presence is calming and joyful. Plan ahead to avoid emergencies and wardrobe malfunctions, and keep your focus on the bride and ways to help.

*Featured Image Courtesy of Marry Me Tampa Bay

By Christina Peterson

12 years and 3 kids later, Christina still counts her wedding day as the best day of her life. Maybe that’s why she loves connecting with brides, mothers of the bride and groom, and bridesmaids: she wants everyone to love their wedding season! Over the past year, Christina has cultivated an active, helpful Instagram community called @askarealbride, filled with daily etiquette Q+A’s, planning tips, and some occasional humor. Though planning can be stressful, Christina enjoys helping brides find the joy and face etiquette dilemmas with kindness, clarity, and grace.

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