Listening to your baby cry and not knowing what to do can be one of the hardest parts of being a new mom. However, it’s even more difficult when you start to notice a pattern: those endless tears start flowing every evening around the same time. This challenging time of day for your little one is called “the witching hour.”

What is the Witching Hour?
Real Mom Chrissy P. explains the “witching hour” in the best way possible. She says,
“Before kids, you may have referred to this time as “happy hour”—the late afternoon/early evening hours when you would sneak out of work a little early to sip wine with your coworkers and re-hash the latest office drama. After kids, you find those same hours are now anything but ‘happy.’ The old “happy hour” is the new ‘witching hour:’ that window of time when your sweet little babe transforms into an inconsolable, red-faced, fussy handful who won’t sleep, doesn’t want to eat, and doesn’t want to be put down.”
So, how can we parents survive those challenging hours? Our real moms didn’t disappoint with their experiences, stories, encouragement, and tips for getting through this stage of your baby’s development!
Organize Accordingly
Our real moms agree that organizing your day makes the witching hour less challenging. The hardest part of the witching hour is that it happens at the busiest, most hectic, and exhausting time of the day. While you may have had a sleepy, peaceful baby all day long, suddenly, just when your partner is getting home from work, older kids are coming in from activities, and dinner needs preparing, you’ve got a fussy baby!
Even though it seems challenging, now is the time your baby needs your attention most. Organize your day so that by the time the witching hour rolls around, laundry is folded, and dinner is prepped. This is the perfect time for a make-ahead meal and some screen time for your older kids!
Real mom Cheryl B says, “I must have found every easy slow cooker recipe during the newborn days so that dinner was never a worry for me.”

Ask for Help
Though it can be humbling to ask for help, now is the time you could use an extra hand. Allow yourself to take breaks when friends and family offer to help! Accept offers to bring a meal, run an errand, or help around the house.
Real mom Chelsea shares, “One of my closest friends brought Chickfila for lunch, did all of my dishes, held the baby so I could shower while she played with my older toddler and it brought me to tears!”
The next time someone says, “Let me know if I can help you,” do yourself a favor: take them up on their offer! Sometimes, just the company of another adult can be the break you need during those intense hours.
Document Everything
The best advice my lactation consultant gave me was to keep an ongoing log of our feedings, diaper changes, and sleep.
Real mom Jessica says of the newborn days, “It’s a blur of exhaustion, so documenting feedings is so helpful. By documenting everything you can rule out when you last fed, dirty diapers, or an over-exhausted baby.”

This cute Baby’s Daily Log is designed to easily track feedings, sleeping schedules, and diaper changes. Having a written baby log helps your new mom brain track everything.
If you’d prefer having everything on your phone, download an app to help you track your newborn’s schedule. Two of our favorites: What to Expect and Babyday Book.

Hold Them Close

Real mom Emilee said it best: “Nobody can help your baby like you, and sometimes all your little one needs is to be close to mom.”
Sometimes, the only solution for a fussy baby is to hold her close. And while I’m sure you’d love to snuggle for a few hours every day, that just isn’t always possible. That’s why a baby carrier is essential to surviving the witching hour!
For your newborn baby, the Baby K’tan is perfect for the newborn stage because it’s stretchy, easy to put on, and very comfortable. Your baby will love being snuggled up close to you in it.

As your baby starts to grow, I recommend the Ergobaby 360 carrier. It’s great for front or chest facing and gives your arms that much-needed break without adding pressure to your back. Real moms Cheryl and Madi both agree that their babies were noticeably calmer during the witching hour while in their carrier or wrap.
Go Outside!
Put that carrier to good use and take your baby for a walk outside. My sister, who is walking through the newborn stage right now, says that going out for fresh air around her daughter’s witching hour has become a nightly routine. The fresh air and change of scenery have been beneficial for the baby and for them as a couple.
Swing, Baby, Swing
When the weather isn’t cooperating, a baby swing is a great alternative that works, rain or shine! Most babies love the rocking or swaying motion and usually will calm down after some time in the swing. My little girl loved sitting in her swing, which usually lulled her right to sleep. Real mom Jazmin says the swing has been a lifesaver for her fourth baby to calm down while she gets her older kids fed and bathed.

The Graco Simple Sway Baby Swing is a great swing choice. It moves your baby in a side-to-side calming motion. It has six different speeds and fifteen songs to add to the peace this swing brings.

My personal choice is the 4moms® mamaRoo® 4 Classic Infant Seat. Both my kids loved this seat. It is designed to bounce, sway, and rock like a car ride, a swing, or in our arms when we soothe our babies. It also has built-in music, Bluetooth compatibility, and a sound machine to ensure plenty of musical options.
When rocking, wearing, and feeding aren’t working, try putting your baby in a swaddle. Wrapping your baby up tight and snuggly tends to calm them right down. Being tightly wrapped helps calm your baby down and fall asleep and prevents them from being awoken by their startle reflex.

Real mom Pamela recommends the Dreamland Baby Weighted Sleep Sack because it’s so versatile. It can be worn as a weighted baby swaddle or sleep sack, and its gentle, evenly distributed weight increases melatonin in your baby and helps to reduce moro reflexes.

Copper Pearl swaddle blankets are made from soft and stretchy bamboo, allowing parents to wrap their little ones tightly while keeping them cozy.
A couple last things

Some babies love them, and some spit them right out, but a pacifier might be worth a try for soothing a fussy baby! Researchers have found that sucking on a pacifier can have a calming effect, lowering babies’ heart rate, stress level, and blood pressure. The perfect pacifier is so personal, and each baby has its preference, so you might want to stock up on a few options! Real mom Tori and many others agree and recommend the Tommee Tippee pacifier. It’s also the only pacifier my son would take.
While your old happy hour days may have been filled with the sounds of clinking glasses and laughter, the perfect witching hour soundtrack is white noise–trust us! The white noise sound is proven to enhance and deepen your baby’s sleep. Real mom Madi recommends the hatch sound machine, which was always on during her child’s witching hour.

While your old happy hour days may have been filled with the sounds of clinking glasses and laughter, the perfect witching hour soundtrack is white noise–trust us! The white noise sound is proven to enhance and deepen your baby’s sleep. Real mom Madi recommends the hatch sound machine, which was always on during her child’s witching hour.
Hang in there, moms and dads!
The days and hours are long, but the years truly are so short. Set your to-do list aside and soak in the snuggles. No matter how much you prepare or how many perfect products you buy, the best thing for your baby is simply you.
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