A diaper bag is so much more than a purse or a bag. Especially for a mom with a newborn, a diaper bag can be a lifeline, the very thing that gets you through your day. What you have (and don’t have) inside can be the difference between a fun outing with your little one and an unfortunate series of events.
Once you select the right diaper bag, the next question is: what goes inside? As a new mom, I knew about the diaper bag essentials, like diapers, wipes, and maybe a bottle or two. What else could I really need? Well, I learned quickly that there are many items a baby might require and I am forever changed by the tips learned along the way.
I would classify myself as an “over packer,” so please do not think everything on this list is absolutely a necessity. Instead, think of this as a friendly list of suggestions, something you might find useful during your diaper bag era. The needs of you and your baby will constantly change and what might be important to me and my baby might not be a need for you. Let’s get packing!
For Baby
1. Diapers and wipes
Let’s start with the most obvious of needs on this list: the things required to change your baby. Now of course this will start with diapers and wipes and the options are vast, and choosing the right ones will involve some trial and error. Our personal favorite: Honest diapers and wipes! With plant-based materials and adorable designs, they feel good and look adorable. But outside of the obvious, what else might you need in the diapering category?
2. Extra Outfit for Baby
Let’s be real for a second, no matter how great the diaper is you use, blowouts WILL happen! An extra outfit or two is a must and onesies are great because they fold up small, taking up little space. I always buy a pack of white onesies in her current size to keep on rotation for the diaper bag.
3. Diaper Bag Dispenser
Now you’ve tackled the diaper change, but you are stuck with the dirty diaper and nowhere to throw it. Whatever do you do? This is why this compact diaper bag dispenser is so great! The dispenser hooks onto your stroller or diaper bag strap, and holds 24 lavender-scented bags that are perfect for stashing smelly diapers on the go. While you’re at it, throw in the messy outfit as well. You can toss it right into your bag and not worry about it until you get home!
4. Cream Applicator
Finding the right diaper cream or ointment is another trial and error experience. But once you find what brand works best for your baby, you’ve got to try this amazing little Diaper Rash Cream & Butt Paste Applicator! This useful tool works with most cream tubes and makes applications safe and hygienic–you won’t end up with sticky fingers or have to worry about cross-contamination. Total game changer!

5. Boogie Wipes and Nose Sucker
No matter the time of year, prepare for boogers (and lots of them). I will confess that I thought buying a type of wipe just for your baby’s nose had to be a gimmick–why not use tissues? I was very wrong. Boogie wipes are the real deal! Made with vitamin E, aloe, and chamomile, they are so gentle on tiny faces and noses, and make the never ending nose-cleaning a bit easier. Frida also makes a nose sucker that helps clear the sinus really well and is great for those really bad colds.
6. Portable Sound Machine
Your baby is bound to have a few naps on the go, and creating a cozy environment for catching some zzz’s is essential. One way to help your baby snooze is to drown out other noises with the soothing sounds of white noise. The Rest Go portable sound machine has 10 snoozy sounds all in one sleek, portable package. This compact travel sound machine is ideal for tucking away in a small pocket for outings.

7. Toys and snacks
Your baby will get antsy sitting in their car seat or stroller for extended periods of time. Having some lightweight entertainment can help with any outing. Something like these little baby spinners would be a great option. Another great option is a cult classic toy that doubles as a teething, Sophie La Girafe. My daughter still loves this one and it has been a staple in my bag for well over a year now. Sometimes the best form of entertainment is giving your little one something to eat. I found these teething crackers a great option as they are safe for younger babies and can take some time to get through. As an added bonus, my little one happened to love the taste of them too.

8. Sun Protection
Sunscreen isn’t just for beach days: it should be part of our daily routine anytime we head outside! I love this Aveeno Baby sunscreen stick because it’s easy to apply, smells great, and is nice and compact, making it easy to toss into the diaper bag. In addition to sunscreen, keep some kind of SPF hat in your diaper bag for an extra layer of sun protection. For those extra hot summer days, an electric fan is a great option to pack as a way to keep baby (and even mom) nice and cool.
9. Medical Essentials
While we do everything we can to keep our babies healthy, they’re bound to have a few sick days here and there. Be ready for them with these medical essentials! Frida makes a great medicine syringe that comes with a pacifier applicator, making giving your little one liquid medication a touch easier. For the medications themselves, pick up these mini medicine bottles instead of lugging around the entire bottles. I simply label and refill as needed!
For Mom
The mom essentials apply particularly to our postpartum mommas. Although the diaper bag is primarily meant to carry everything our baby could need, it replaces our purse in many cases and still needs to serve a purpose for mom. Finding a bag that has a front zipper or pouch for keys, wallet, phone, and touch up makeup, allows you to grab the things you need easily throughout the day. But what are some other things that mom might need?

10. Postpartum Care
Postpartum care doesn’t just stop when you are home. Even though leaving the house was very rare in my early postpartum days, I always kept extra Frida underwear in my bag JUST in case. And of course for the nursing mom nothing is worse than leaking on the go. Lansinoh Nipple Pads were always a favorite of mine and you will not regret having these in a pinch. Nipple cream is also a must on the go for the mom’s who are nursing because nothing is worse than blistering nipples in those early weeks. Keeping all moisture locked in helps keep them from becoming painful and cracked.
Ready, Set, Pack and (and re-stock)!
While those first few outings with your baby can feel a little overwhelming, I promise: it gets easier over time. One final tip: each time you return home from an outing, re-stock that diaper bag. If you used a onesie, replace it right away with a clean one. Used 2 diapers? Put two new ones in the bag. That way, you’re ready to go on your next adventure!