When I was pregnant for the first time last year, I spent the majority of those nine months doing a lot of research. I read the books, I talked to all my mom friends/cousins/sisters-in-law, I went to birthing class. I knew that having a baby was something none of those things could truly prepare me for, but I also thought I could get just enough information to do my best. And while I was right about that when it came to actually delivering and caring for a newborn baby, I was way wrong when it came to caring for myself.

Did anyone ever tell you about the fourth trimester? Was I the only one who felt alone on this island of recovering from a C-Section, being sleep deprived, trying to understand a newborn’s feeding schedule and learning to love my body again in its very different form? It sure felt like that in those first few weeks. I felt isolated and not at all like myself. It wasn’t until weeks later, that I discovered I was far from alone. In fact, there was even a term for those feelings and that time period–the fourth trimester! Who knew?!
While I don’t have a quick fix or 5 step method for overcoming the fourth trimester woes, I am so thankful for companies like Hatch that are devoted to both moms and babies. You may have heard of celebrities loving Hatch Maternity wear (and we agree–their maternity pieces and beauty essentials are to die for), but we also love that they’ve created an entire line of beauty and clothing products just for moms after babies. And while you still might feel a little off, a little weepy and a lot tired, with these products you might feel a lot more supported as well.
Hatch Clothes for the Fourth Trimester
Here’s something I’ve learned for the next time around: get some clothes that make you feel good. Not just lounge clothes. Not just your husband’s t-shirts. Not just pjs. But actual clothes you can wear out and about, still nurse easily in and still feel comfortable in. If that means you have to size up a few sizes, do it. If that means spending a little extra on a postpartum wardrobe, you’re worth it!
What I love about Hatch Clothing is that they’re great for lounging and for going out. You don’t have to choose between comfort and cuteness. You’re ready for a day of catching up on laundry and of a last minute coffee meet up with your bestie (another great tip for the fourth trimester–don’t neglect your people. Take them up on their offer of coffee or lunch.)
I think stripes are the very best neutral and I love a long blousy tee. This works perfectly with your most comfortable and high waisted leggings and with a great stretchy pair of jeans. Add a colorful scarf or jean jacket to complete the look.
A wrap top is the hidden gem of the nursing-friendly clothes community. It’s easy to pull to the side and quickly breastfeed while still looking chic and stylish. I love this jumpsuit because it’s comfy and can easily transition from home to errand running with a cute sneaker or sandal. But it’s also easy to dress up! Going out on that first date night with your husband after baby? Throw on your favorite heels and some big earrings and you’re all set!
Forever raising and praising that some fashion blogger somewhere years ago deemed leggings as acceptable pants. These premium leggings from Hatch will make cozy days at home even cozier and they’ll work great with a long flowy tee or sweater if you need to run out.
My sister-in-law was just sharing with me one of every nursing mama’s woes: not being able to wear a dress. She said she usually lives in sundresses in the summer, but breastfeeding makes it almost impossible (and slightly uncomfortable if the need arises). Enter Hatch’s slouch nursing dress. You’d never know it was nursing friendly, but it’s easy to pump in or breastfeed baby and go right back to your party or date night.
If you’re heading back to work at some point during the fourth trimester, chances are you’ll need to add a few new pieces to your work ready wardrobe. We love this simple white blouse that pairs easily with any pair of pants and can be dressed up with a blazer!
Let’s be honest: so much of what we do in the first few weeks after having a baby is dictated by comfort. I wore a LOT of sweatshirts in the fall after our son was born, even for running errands or when friends came to see our new baby. They were comfy, but they didn’t have the nursing ease this sweatshirt by Hatch offers. It’s a wrap top with a button for extra security and so perfect for breastfeeding or pumping whenever it’s necessary!
Hatch Intimates and Loungewear for the Fourth Trimester
While you won’t want to wear lounge clothes and pjs every day (and I’ll argue it’s best for your mental health to get ready and get dressed some days), there are just some days that call for them. Then there’s the issue of undergarments. I wore the seamless, pull on hospital grade undies for far too long after delivery because I was terrified for anything to irritate my C-section scar. And because I was nursing around the clock, I lived in the same 2 nursing bras on repeat. It’s definitely nice to have an assortment of styles to choose from!
This pair of high-waisted undies boasts light compression that will suck you in and smooth you out. Perfect for underneath a flowy dress or a pair of tighter jeans. They’re comfortable and effective!
Just go ahead and get one of these in every color because you’ll be wearing them constantly in the early days! The seamless design makes them comfortable and the built in clips make them easy for nursing no matter what you’re wearing over top.
An easy fourth trimester around the house look is leggings, a nursing tank and a favorite cozy cardigan. These 24/7 nursing tanks from Hatch are comfy, come in multiple colors and functional with a built-in bra and one-handed clip access. This is also easy to wear to bed as pjs with a pair of shorts or pj pants for middle of the night feedings.
These pants are a genius addition to any postpartum wardrobe. The high-waisted, no rub fabric is ideal especially if you’re recovering from a C-Section, but the waistband can also be rolled down if you don’t prefer a high-waisted look. The pants are stretchy and made to hold you in which makes them extra comfortable and supportive!
If you’ll be facing the fourth trimester in the middle of winter, a few cozies are necessary. While you’ll surely face a surge of hormones in the fourth trimester that lead to night sweats and warmer than usual feelings, but you’ll also be glad you have a few long sleeve options like this soft and stretchy nursing friendly henley.
Beauty Products for the Fourth Trimester
After having my son, I was shocked by the way my hair and skin changed! My face was constantly dry no matter how much I moisturized it or what products I used to wash it. And my hair was dull and eventually started falling out in chunks, leaving me with several balding spots around my temples. Thankfully, there’s Hatch and the glorious products they offer for mamas after babies.
If you want to leave those stretch marks in the past after baby arrives, you’ll want to pick up some of this Hatch Belly Oil. You can use it all during your pregnancy to reduce the appearance of stretch marks as your belly grows and continue to use postpartum to help with any scarring or still apparent marks. It’s great to add to your bath too!
The theme of the fourth trimester seems to be dryness. Dry skin, dry hair, dry lips and, if you’re breastfeeding, definitely dry nipples. Made with richly moisturizing mango butter, acai and pomegranate, it’s perfect for helping those dry lips and cuticles and preparing your nipples to breastfeed. It’s the right size to keep on hand in your purse or diaper bag so you never have to leave home without it.
No matter what the fourth trimester brings, remember that your health and the health of your baby are the priorities! Ask for help and more than that, just reach out. Keep up with your friends, run out for coffee by yourself, go on a date with your husband. Let the dishes stack up in the sink for a day or two while you try to work out the best routine for you and baby. It’s okay! It will all get done.
As you prepare to welcome your new baby into the world with celebrations and showers, you can point your guests to all your registries in one spot at RegistryFinder.com. For other tips and resources about your most asked new mom questions, check out our GiveIt Blog.