As I was preparing for the birth of our first child, I relished the advice of seasoned mothers and grandmothers. From “sleep when the baby sleeps” to “prioritize date nights,” I filed each piece of advice into an ongoing mental list. It wasn’t long until their advice, my to-do list, and my belly were growing rapidly, and suddenly, nine months did not feel like enough time to prepare.
Once my son was born, I quickly began to feel the mental and physical exhaustion of postpartum. It wasn’t long until I started reminiscing about my lost free time and solo trips to the grocery store without my internal (and physical…ouch!) clock telling me it’s time to breastfeed my newborn.
This time, with the due date of our second child just a few months away, I decided to rearrange my priority list. Trust me when I say that painting your newborn’s nursery that perfect shade of pink or blue can wait (they won’t know the difference anyway), and nesting can be put on hold while you take these last few weeks of pregnancy to focus on one of the most important players in this game – YOU!
So, let’s start now! Pour yourself a cup of raspberry leaf tea (a perfect labor prep drink) and run a warm bath while you read our top self-care tips for preparing for the arrival of your baby that has everything to do with you and nothing to do with your baby!
10 Ways to Get Ready for Baby (that have nothing to do with the baby):
Tip #1: Plan a Babymoon … Think honeymoon but pregnancy edition

Photo Credit: Emilee Viner
My husband and I on our babymoon in Naples, Florida (left) and our 8-month-old at the same beach that next summer (right)
Some of the sweetest memories from my first pregnancy were from our babymoon trip to Naples, Florida. In fact, Naples was where my husband and I decided to honeymoon, so traveling back for our babymoon felt like a no-brainer!
While bringing a baby into this world is certainly an adjustment for you as the mother, we cannot overlook that your spouse is bound to feel the shift as well. A babymoon is the perfect excuse to put the baby prep on pause and redirect that time and energy to each other.
If a babymoon is on your baby-prep agenda, we have all the information you need on How to Plan the Perfect Babymoon here!
Tip #2: Date Nights

I’m not just talking about dates with your partner (although you should totally plan some date nights before the baby arrives). Plan “dates” with your friends, and savor your time together before a baby rules your schedule.
Another special person you’ll want to plan a date with? Your older child (or children)! Plan some one-on-one time with your little one(s) before they become a big sis or bro: it can be as simple as getting an ice cream cone or going to the movies!
Tip #3: Treat Yourself

Whether it’s a fresh new do, a manicure/pedicure, or a prenatal massage, pregnancy is a great time to indulge in some well-deserved TLC.
Real Mom of two, Olivia R., highly recommends treating yourself to prenatal massages as often as you can! Your body’s working overtime to create and sustain life, so don’t forget to thank it for a job well done.
If you’re on the hunt for prenatal support outside of your OBGYN, a local birthing center is a great resource. Often, these birthing centers offer a variety of pre and post-natal services such as birthing classes, massages, and chiropractic care.
Tip #4: Baby isn’t the only one who needs some new outfits

Before the birth of our son, I had aspirations of being that fashionable mom you see all over Pinterest. After our son was born, the desire to be “trendy” went out the window, and in came a love for loungewear. One of our favorite postpartum outfits includes this adorable robe from Caden Lane with matching swaddles available for your new baby.

Between nursing and pumping, dealing with the occasional spit-up, and all the not-so-glamorous moments of postpartum recovery, having a cute and comfortable outfit to snuggle your newborn in makes it all worth it.
We love this budget-friendly and ultra-comfortable Stars Above pajama. The soft fabric and buttons make it cute, comfortable, and practical, too!
Tip #5: Capture The Bump

Image Courtesy of Chrissy O’Neill & Co
Maternity photos with our first baby (left) and maternity photos with our second baby (right)
I am a firm believer that no matter how you may be feeling about yourself physically, pregnancy is a beautiful season of life that deserves to be documented! When I look back on my maternity photos, swollen face, and all, I am immediately reminded of all the emotions I felt while preparing for the arrival of my son. Whether this is your first pregnancy or you’re adding another member to your family, capturing a few maternity photos is something you will never regret!
Tip #6: Fill your Freezer

Leading up to the birth of my son, I had high hopes of creating pre-made meals to fill my freezer to aid in the tedious task of meal prep during postpartum. While my intentions were pure, reality set in quickly, and I became very familiar with the Uber Eats delivery drivers. This time around, however, I am determined to be more prepared and to ask for help when I need it!
Real Mom and Doula, Valentina H. suggests having a “Stork (Stock) Your Fridge” party where loved ones deliver freezer-friendly meals for the new mom and her family.
Another tip is to delegate a trusted family member with the task of stocking your refrigerator and pantry with healthy and easy-to-make meals during your time in the hospital. This could be as simple as leaving a grocery list and some cash in an easy-to-find envelope for your personal shopper!
Another great resource is subscription-based ready-made meal services such as Hello Fresh, Factor75, and Home Chef. It’s easy to skip meals when your mind is focused on the baby, but prioritizing quick and nutritional meals is very important in your postpartum recovery.
#7: Stock up on Household Essentials
Now is the time to load up on those essential items like paper towels, toilet paper, pantry staples, and paper plates (trust me on this-I’m not a “paper plate person” at any other time than when we have a new baby in the house!). This might be a good time to look into a “Subscribe and Save” program to have those essential items delivered regularly after baby arrives (and shopping trips become much more challenging).
And if you’re not an Amazon Prime member yet, now is the time to upgrade! The perks are perfect for new parents: fast and free shipping on millions of products, exclusive deals and offers, Prime original movies and TV shows, plus access to Amazon Music and over 2 million free songs (including lullabies).
Tip #8: Clear your physical space

My mother always told me, “A clear space equals a clear mind,” my goodness, she was right! I can’t seem to put my finger on it, but I have a feeling it’s these tricky pregnancy hormones that have made the desire to throw away everything I own very strong.
While this post is about pampering yourself, and often cleaning does not give off the same oxytocin surge as a spa day, devoting little moments throughout the day to organize baby clothes can be a mood booster as you near the end of your pregnancy.
If you are reading this article in search of ways to bless a new mommy, here’s a great gift idea: consider organizing a cleaning service to come every so often to help ease the burden during their postpartum recovery. Our only advice: speak with the parents before arranging this type of service to see if they would like this!
Tip #9: Clear your mental space

Pregnancy doesn’t just take a physical toll on a mother’s body; it takes a mental toll as well.
Finding a licensed therapist you trust can be a great first step in your journey to becoming a mother. Take it from a real mom who has been there before – me! Talk therapy is a great way to navigate those hazy pregnancy and postpartum emotions. I loved being able to bounce my ideas, desires, fears, struggles, and joys of motherhood with someone who I trust!
Tip #10: Find Your Village

While mothers are superheroes, we should not be expected to do life alone. Whether it’s a coffee date with a girlfriend or a mom-friend to text during those late-night wake windows, finding and keeping your “village” is a must! There is no one who understands you quite like a mother in the thick of pregnancy or postpartum. Find those friends, hold on to them close, and tell them how grateful you are to be doing life alongside them!
So sit back and relax Mama…
Our team at Registry Finder wishes you nothing but rest and relaxation during these next few weeks! We could not be more excited for you! And don’t forget to check out our Give It Blog for What You Need for Every Stage of Your Baby’s First Year.