So, you’re pregnant in the middle of a global pandemic and it’s probably not what you had planned. Going to the grocery with a face mask, working from home, thinking through an alternate birth plan, postponing your baby shower. This pregnancy and the celebrations surrounding it may have to look a little bit different than you originally imagined, but it shouldn’t stop the fun altogether. Thanks to all the virtual ways we can connect in the year 2020, there are still so many options for gathering your people and looking forward to your new little baby together.

It’s still possible to have an awesome gender reveal party virtually! We’ve got a few classic gender reveal ideas that we think will translate well via FaceTime or a group Zoom call or a Google Hangout. No matter how you decide to share the news of your baby, we know your family and friends will be thrilled for this bit of good news in these times of uncertainty.
First Things First
Before you can have your gender reveal, there are a few things you must do to prepare. First, you’ll have your anatomy scan at your OB appointment and, if you’re going to be surprised right along with your guests, have the ultrasound tech seal the results in an envelope. (We’ll come back to that later once you’ve decided how you’re sharing the gender.)

Then you’ll choose a date and time for the gender reveal. Consider sending out an evite with all the virtual details including platform (Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangout or Skype seem to be the most popular.), date, time and any other details. Or you can purchase adorable templates for text or email invites on Etsy, like the one pictured above.

Once you’ve chosen how you’ll do the reveal, you may need to gather a few supplies. No matter what you choose, we suggest setting up your laptop or phone on some kind of tripod or table so that it’s steady when capturing the reveal. Do a test run with the camera on your laptop or phone. Make sure you and your partner both fit in the frame, that the internet connection is strong and that you don’t stand too far back so everyone will be able to hear you. If you’re using a platform like Zoom, you’ll have the option to record the call which we highly suggest. How sweet it will be to relive this exciting moment for years to come-and to share it with your little one someday!

Plan something special just for you and Dad in addition to the gender reveal. Order your favorite takeout for lunch before or after the midday reveal. Whip up your favorite cupcake recipe and decorate with blue or pink frosting to celebrate. Whatever it is, mark off a few minutes for just the two of you to revel in this sweet news!

While optional, we have loved seeing the front porch portraits floating around Facebook and Instagram and can’t think of a better reason for a mini photo shoot than a gender reveal! Once you’ve finished with the virtual reveal, have a local photographer stop by to snap a few shots of you all with your ultrasound and a few of the leftover gender reveal decorations. If you decided to go this route, you’ll want to book the photographer in advance.
Share the News
Now that you’ve got all the details taken care of, it’s time to finally share the news with your loved ones near and far. Set up that laptop or phone and get ready to be surprised!
Here are nine of our favorite gender reveal ideas that will look awesome on camera and can fit any couple’s style, budget and level of extravagance.
1. Gender Reveal Confetti Cannon:

2. Balloons in a Box

3. Pop the Balloon

4. Gender Reveal Cake or Cupcakes

5. Pinata

6. Smoke Cannons

7. Fireworks

8. Golf Gender Reveal

9. Baseball Gender Reveal

If you choose to find out the gender at your doctor’s appointment ahead of the reveal, you can have some fun with your guests virtually too.
Consider dropping off something like these confetti poppers or balloons on the porch of friends and family. Or send a small gift (a few ideas below) in the mail ahead of time. Gather around Zoom or Facetime at the appointed time and all open (or pop!) the gift together!

Hop on your Google Hangout or Skype call wearing all pink or all blue. If you have other kids, stage a scene with a new onesie or dress them up in shirts that say “I’m getting a baby brother!”.
Your loved ones will love gathering from a distance to celebrate this exciting news! No matter how you choose to host your virtual gender reveal, we’re certain it will be the bright spot everyone needs in their lives right now. Once everyone knows the gender, stay on your video call to toast with sparkling juice, eat your favorite dessert or just cry happy tears together. It’ll be a moment you’ll never forget!
Now that you know the gender of your soon-to-arrive little one, it’s the perfect time to finish up your registry (online, of course!). Our GiveIt Blog is full of registry guides and must-have items for your baby. Once your registries are finalized, you can share them all in one convenient location by pointing friends and family to