5 Reasons to Wait on Finding Out Your Baby’s Gender

Photo by Hammitt Photo | Cincinnati, OH 

Five reasons why you may want to wait until delivery day to find out your baby’s gender! For most of human history, waiting to hear “it’s a girl!” or “it’s a boy,” in the delivery room was a common experience—only recently have pregnant women been privy to high-tech ultrasounds and testing that could reveal their… Continue reading 5 Reasons to Wait on Finding Out Your Baby’s Gender

Ask a Real Mom: What’s on Your Third Trimester Checklist?

Image via DepositPhotos

What you should NOT do in your third trimester: pack up your first home, move into another place temporarily and then unpack and move into your new home. What I DID in my third trimester with our first baby: exactly what I just said you shouldn’t do. Needless to say, my third trimester was a… Continue reading Ask a Real Mom: What’s on Your Third Trimester Checklist?

Ask a Real Mom: What’s Worth the Splurge in Baby’s Nursery

Image via DockATot.com

Let’s be honest: from the moment you get that positive pregnancy test, you start dreaming up your baby’s nursery. At least, that was the case for me. I couldn’t wait to paint, decorate and spend time creating a special room for our new little one. But, as it tends to go in the world of… Continue reading Ask a Real Mom: What’s Worth the Splurge in Baby’s Nursery

When Registering for Baby Items, Should I Choose This or That?

When you make your baby registry, you’re choosing items that will need to last you many years. For instance, if you have 3 children, each a few years apart, you may need a high chair that will hold up for over 10 years! (That sounds a bit daunting!) I know from experience that you can… Continue reading When Registering for Baby Items, Should I Choose This or That?

Ask a Real Mom: When Your Mom Wants to Help with the New Baby

Portrait of a beautiful mother, with her nursing baby. High quality photo.

Labor and delivery are some of the most intense experiences of your life, and those first few days of motherhood are both physically grueling and emotionally draining. Naturally, moms and mothers-in-law want to swoop in and offer their support and help, and of course, enjoy their new grandbaby. But too many times, those good intentions… Continue reading Ask a Real Mom: When Your Mom Wants to Help with the New Baby

Gender Neutral Nursery Ideas We Love

Image via The Spruce

Last winter, when my husband and I found out we were pregnant we decided right away to keep the baby’s gender a surprise. That’s right–no gender reveal, no themed nursery or shower–just a big surprise coming our way in a few months and we couldn’t wait! Now, something you should probably know is that I’m… Continue reading Gender Neutral Nursery Ideas We Love

Baby Safety 101: Baby Safety & Babyproofing Guide

Photo courtesy of BuyBuy Baby

At RegistryFinder.com, we provide our readers with information regarding the most efficient and convenient baby tools and products, assisting you in creating your ideal registry. But most importantly, we strive to keep you informed on safe, reliable products that you can be confident in using with your family. It’s important to us that our readers… Continue reading Baby Safety 101: Baby Safety & Babyproofing Guide

Ask a Real Mom: How to Care for Moms in the NICU

Image via The Well

When I became a mom for the first time in 2019, I felt like the overwhelming words I heard from other moms a few steps ahead of me were things like “Every pregnancy is different.” and “Every baby is different.” That couldn’t be more true for me. And as I’ve stepped into the life stage… Continue reading Ask a Real Mom: How to Care for Moms in the NICU

Ask a Real TWIN Mom: Baby Registry Essentials for Two

Image via Real Twin Mom, Abi C.

It’s pretty hard to surprise me. So when my best friend FaceTimed me last Spring to show me the ultrasound of her first baby, I was floored when she also revealed the baby’s sibling growing inside her! That’s right: she was having TWINS! And with that announcement began six months of planning and research and… Continue reading Ask a Real TWIN Mom: Baby Registry Essentials for Two

Best Sibling Gifts

A new baby changes everything, especially for newly promoted big sisters and brothers. No matter how old they are, siblings will have to adjust to sharing the spotlight with the newest family member. One sure-fire way to make this transition go a little more smoothly: a gift! My three daughters Chloe, Elle, and Kate! My… Continue reading Best Sibling Gifts

Ask a Real Mom: Must-Have Baby Registry Items

Confession: when I registered for my first child, I had a meltdown in the stroller department. I felt so overwhelmed, confused, and intimidated by the products stacked to the ceiling of the store that my husband had to take me to a coffee shop next door so I could regroup! Moms and dads-to-be, registering for… Continue reading Ask a Real Mom: Must-Have Baby Registry Items

5 Tips for Creating a Cute, Budget Friendly Nursery

Image via Project Nursery

I’m about to decorate my second nursery in two years. But really, if you looked at it truthfully, it’s the third. You see, my husband painted a beautiful striped wall in the room we’d use as the nursery of our very first home – and then we decided to pack up and move 2 months… Continue reading 5 Tips for Creating a Cute, Budget Friendly Nursery

Thriving in the Fourth Trimester Thanks to Hatch!

When I was pregnant for the first time last year, I spent the majority of those nine months doing a lot of research. I read the books, I talked to all my mom friends/cousins/sisters-in-law, I went to birthing class. I knew that having a baby was something none of those things could truly prepare me… Continue reading Thriving in the Fourth Trimester Thanks to Hatch!

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