As a self-proclaimed amateur interior decorator, I often find myself falling into a daydream full of furniture, art, knickknacks, and organization. Shortly after my husband and I found out we were expecting our first child, I began searching the internet for ways to maximize our little one’s nursery space. We planned to convert the tiny… Continue reading Designing A Small Space Nursery
Category: Parenting
Postpartum Essentials Every Mom Needs
There is truly nothing more amazing than a mom’s strength. Whether you have a natural birth (medicated or not!) or a c-section, your body is made to do amazing things. No matter how easy or difficult your birth story is, you are guaranteed to feel discomfort and even some pain while you recover from birthing… Continue reading Postpartum Essentials Every Mom Needs
Ask a Real Mom: What Are Your Breastfeeding Essentials?
I will never forget the moment my doctor handed my firstborn daughter to me. It was truly the most overwhelming joy, relief, and love I had ever felt. I was so excited to start my breastfeeding journey, but to my surprise, my daughter would not latch. I was emotional, hormonal, and exhausted, but no matter… Continue reading Ask a Real Mom: What Are Your Breastfeeding Essentials?
Baby Proofing 101: How to Prep Your House for a Baby
You’ve heard it said time and time again, “The days may be long, but the years are short.” As a first-time Mom, I admit, I was a little naive (or possibly in denial) about how quickly time does pass. It wasn’t long before the tiny newborn that was placed on my chest in the hospital… Continue reading Baby Proofing 101: How to Prep Your House for a Baby
7 Tips for Helping Your Dog Adapt to Life with a New Baby
Bringing a new baby into your home can be an exciting yet intimidating experience, especially if you have a dog. For so many, our pets are the first babies in our lives and as excited as we might be to introduce them to their human siblings, it’s so important to remember that they may not… Continue reading 7 Tips for Helping Your Dog Adapt to Life with a New Baby
A New Mom’s Guide to Car Seats
In the famous words of Dr. Suess, “Oh, the places you’ll go! You’ll be on your way up! You’ll be seeing great sights,” … buckle up your car seat and make sure it fits right! Choosing the right car seat doesn’t have to be stressful, even though there are so many options to consider. You… Continue reading A New Mom’s Guide to Car Seats
Must-Have Sleep Essentials for a New Baby & a Well-Rested Mom
After my first baby was born, I wondered how the saying “sleep like a baby” ever got off the ground! Babies have to figure out the whole sleep thing after coming into the world, and it can be challenging to get through those first sleepless weeks and months. I think back on all the times… Continue reading Must-Have Sleep Essentials for a New Baby & a Well-Rested Mom
Ask a Real Mom: What’s Worth the Splurge in Baby’s Nursery
Let’s be honest: from the moment you get that positive pregnancy test, you start dreaming up your baby’s nursery. At least, that was the case for me. I couldn’t wait to paint, decorate and spend time creating a special room for our new little one. But, as it tends to go in the world of… Continue reading Ask a Real Mom: What’s Worth the Splurge in Baby’s Nursery
Ask a Real Mom: When Your Mom Wants to Help with the New Baby
Labor and delivery are some of the most intense experiences of your life, and those first few days of motherhood are both physically grueling and emotionally draining. Naturally, moms and mothers-in-law want to swoop in and offer their support and help, and of course, enjoy their new grandbaby. But too many times, those good intentions… Continue reading Ask a Real Mom: When Your Mom Wants to Help with the New Baby
Ask a Real Mom: Favorite Green Products for Babies & Moms
In the year 2022, we have access to more information than ever before. The ability to research and know more about what’s in the products we use daily has shifted so much of our focus to going green. Especially with little ones around, it’s so important to know what’s in the things we use on… Continue reading Ask a Real Mom: Favorite Green Products for Babies & Moms
Ask a Real Mom: Top 5 Baby Gear Items Worth Every Penny
A stroll through your favorite local baby retailer as a newly pregnant mom can leave you with a bit of sticker shock. Two years ago, when I created a registry for our first baby, I joked with my friends that nothing a baby needs was less than $30. Thankfully, the perk of baby gear is… Continue reading Ask a Real Mom: Top 5 Baby Gear Items Worth Every Penny
5 Tips for Creating a Cute, Budget Friendly Nursery
I’m about to decorate my second nursery in two years. But really, if you looked at it truthfully, it’s the third. You see, my husband painted a beautiful striped wall in the room we’d use as the nursery of our very first home – and then we decided to pack up and move 2 months… Continue reading 5 Tips for Creating a Cute, Budget Friendly Nursery
Thriving in the Fourth Trimester Thanks to Hatch!
When I was pregnant for the first time last year, I spent the majority of those nine months doing a lot of research. I read the books, I talked to all my mom friends/cousins/sisters-in-law, I went to birthing class. I knew that having a baby was something none of those things could truly prepare me… Continue reading Thriving in the Fourth Trimester Thanks to Hatch!
Ask a Real Mom: What Do You Wish You Knew Before Your First Baby?
I cried when I had to leave the hospital after having our first son. I couldn’t believe they were letting us load his car seat in the car without their direct supervision. I couldn’t believe we’d have to make the 45-minute trek from our downtown hospital to our suburban neighborhood with a 4-day old baby… Continue reading Ask a Real Mom: What Do You Wish You Knew Before Your First Baby?
A New Mom’s Guide to Car Seats
After I rounded up the best of the best for strollers and diaper bags, I went back to my mom friends and inquired about car seats. There is so much research out there when it comes to selecting a car seat and I needed help knowing which were not only the safest, but the most… Continue reading A New Mom’s Guide to Car Seats
Ask a Real Mom: What’s Not Worth the Stress
Worrying is part of motherhood, but our moms reveal areas you can relax and relieve some stress! As a new mom, it seems like every aspect of your child’s development and your parenting skills is cause for concern. Is she eating enough? Why is he crying? Should I put her down? Should I pick her… Continue reading Ask a Real Mom: What’s Not Worth the Stress